Time Travel - Ghosts, Aliens, or just plain paradoxical

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><>Perhaps there has been time travel. Perhaps in the future someone will figure out a way to transfer your soul, but not your body, to the past. As merely a soul you could move places and see things. But they didn't count on certain souls being visible or on certain people (or animals) being able to see souls wandering around. People would think these souls are ghosts. These "ghosts" might not always be able to (or want to) return home. These ghosts might become angry or lonely after a while of wandering the world without true interaction. After time some of these ghosts might learn to actually interact with the physical world. Hence, you would have poltergueists. This theory would explain the mystery of ghosts and the paradox of time travel except that there still is an issue. Since some ghosts do seem to learn to interact with the world, these time travellers have influenced and changed the past and therefore buggered up the future. I imagine that this sort of time travel would be rare, hard to do, and/or expensive. Normally it would be used for documentation or recovery of the past events. Certain souls might abuse it.

><>A very likely result of time travel is that it almost always destroys itself or the universe/dimension it was in through some sort of paradox. Look at your own experience. If you had created a time machine, what would you do with it? Probably go back in time to save yourself some previous pain in your past. The act of doing so would change your entire life from that point on. Most likely, you would never invent your time machine because everything was changed. Results of such a change would likely either be that the new timeline happens OR the universe refuses the change OR the universe simply gives up and explodes/implodes OR you don't actually change our universe but you do change a different one and always come back home to the same timeline. That last one would be a neat (if still dangerous) side effect. You could "time travel" (in this case it would be more aptly named universe/dimension jumping) to anytime feeling safe with the knowledge that you wouldn't actually be changing anything in our universe. You could use it to document history or to live in a time you feel better suited in. You could likely travel to future timelines of our universe to predict our future. Simply the act of doing so and especially telling people might change, destroy, or nullify that event, though. But think of all the damage (or at least differences) you would cause to other universes. Perhaps aliens are us from our same timeline just many many years from now.

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