Dying of Terminal Embarrassment

1 Conversation

Dying of terminal embarrassment is a terrible disease that has attacked the universe since the beginning of time. Some of the most known cases are of course Adolf Hitler after finding out not only that he had lost the war to take over all of Europe but also that he himself was part Jewish. More resent cases have been George Lucas' finding out that people did not like aliens that talked like Jamaicans however he was able to quickly recover after finding out how much his movies made.

The most common contractors of this sickness are social outcasts attending a prom. Most of these outcasts are not stupid enough to attend something that is so far beyond them. They usually borrow a suit from their dad as well as a pair of shoes from their mother. They never have a date to the prom and usually don't even come with a group of friend’s content to sit by the snack table and make a true pig of themselves. Eventually he will get up enough courage to ask a girl to dance. He will more then likely be rejected and will go home and 24 hours later die of terminal embarrassment.

Some Symptoms of terminal embarrassment include a lowering of the head, a slumping of the shoulders, and a total inability to make-eye contact with anyone. However, as no one even knows who these people are as they are social outcasts anyway and as they will soon die it makes little difference.

Some research is being done into a cure but the only known case of survival (see above) involved millions of dollars no one believes these people are worth the amount of money it would take to save them and prolong their already miserable existence.

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