A Conversation for Sub-editors Public Forum

Bywater ...

Post 1

The Dancing Tree

... does anyone know what happened? ...

Bywater ...

Post 2

Zach Garland

What happened to what?

Bywater ...

Post 3

The Dancing Tree

Uh, Bywater.

Bywater ...

Post 4

The Wisest Fool

Maybe he's busy doing some errm...research?

Bywater ...

Post 5

Zach Garland

I hadn't noticed he left. How do you know he left?

Bywater ...

Post 6

The Dancing Tree

I don't know that he has (or hasn't). I just noticed his column wasn't there this weekend, or at least a new one was conspicuous by its absence.

Bywater ...

Post 7

Zach Garland

Well that is curious. Well, I'm taking a few days off from doing my Subeditorials. Maybe he took a break from his column?

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