A Conversation for The Feline and Fiddle

The Snug

Post 81


As long as you're not trying to read them halfway up a cliff, whilst hanging on with one hand.

Pillar Rock is on the side of Pillar Mountain and is, I'm told, the only peak in the Lake District that is impossible to reach the top of without climbing (as opposed to walking up). It's fairly close to the Black Sale youth hostel, since that's where we'll be staying.

The Snug

Post 82


Not when you lean on them when wearing a black jumper you wont. smiley - winkeye

The Snug

Post 83

Tinkerbell *tumbleweed*

I guess not but mostly my climbing gear is all fluorescent icky colours and turquoise...
*waves her climbing shoes*
Look, pretty colours, and it matches my rope and belt smiley - smiley

*looks enviously at Bagpuss*
Ooh Blacksail...otherwise known as the hut but oooh I'd so like to go there...I've been to loads of them in that area but I've always wanted to go there. We're meant to be doing the coast to coast next year and we get to play there...well collapse there, one or the othersmiley - smiley

The Snug

Post 84


Collapsing would be my bet. smiley - winkeye

The Snug

Post 85

Tinkerbell *tumbleweed*

Me too, it's on about day 7 or 8 I think so I may be more crawling by then...collapsing probably comes on day 5...having said that it could go the other way entirely as I have been known to start running at the end of 20 mile walks as I suddenly find energy when I the ends in sight.
It doesn't half annoy people when I get to the end running and bouncing and grinning and then they all plod up half collapsedsmiley - smiley

The Snug

Post 86


Blacksail is it, I might have knwon I'd spelt it wrongly? Should be great fun, though we're not doing anything energetic like walking there (except that the rules apparently only allow one car down the track and I bet it won't be mine).

The Snug

Post 87


Just make sure you are in the passenger seat. smiley - smiley

The Snug

Post 88

Tinkerbell *tumbleweed*

Or at the worse case the bootsmiley - winkeye

*looks intrigued*
Do you know about Blacksail? It being the oldest and highest and coldest youth hostel in the world?
*considers sulking*
When are you going? Take photos and then I can whine at you afterwardssmiley - biggrin

The Snug

Post 89


Hmmm. My own thought on the matter is, "Are they really going to check?"

Coldest? Not when we're in charge of how much wood goes on the fire. It's also pretty remote, though there's a pub only a few miles away - over the mountain.

30th December - 2nd January. smiley - cool

I'll definitely be taking photos - New Years Eve = smart dress. Also I want to use up my film because there are some incriminating photos on it, which really need to be added to the LUU Christian Focus website.

The Snug

Post 90

Tinkerbell *tumbleweed*

Definitely coldest...and in December, I froze in November.

OOh are you wearing a Tux? Do you get a BMW as well???
*gets images of James Bond*
Ooooh...photos, photos!!! smiley - winkeye

The Snug

Post 91


Bad luck Burnsy. smiley - sadface

The Snug

Post 92


Ay. And after I managed to wrest one of the teles in the Brickies away from Celtic supporters. There's always next year.

I shall be wearing my suit; I'm not going to hire a tux until my graduation ball. My car is a Rover, which are owned by BMW (last time I checked - I lose track), so sort of, though I don't remember Bond driving round in a 213S.

The Snug

Post 93

Tinkerbell *tumbleweed*

Do you do the eyebrow?

The Snug

Post 94

The Fish


Ropeless is much more fun smiley - winkeye

Not Germany... that'd be fun though.... *thinks...* does anyone have a camper van thing round here? They're great for climbing from... smiley - biggrin

smiley - fish

The Snug

Post 95


Can't do the eyebrow, no.

I'm sure ropeless is fun, but I don't mind being safe, too.

The Snug

Post 96

Tinkerbell *tumbleweed*

*wonders why the ugg was there, considers taking it personally*

Ropeless is more fun but if it's the first time you've done a certain climb and it's an extreme one then it's best to use a rope...and if it's one over a ridiculously silly river like the ones in Matlock, as having canoed down the rapids in that I would certainly not like to fall in it...well again and from a height...

You must be able to do the eyebrow thing...
*studies Bagpuss' eyebrows carefully*
...aah go on...

Oh and I looked in my chalk covered climbing books and possibly found the climb...which route are you taking or don't you know yet?

The Snug

Post 97


I'm not entirely sure what the Fish was replying to either.

*raises left eybrow - the right one decides to follow it*

The shortest climb and we're only doing it weather permitting. Given that I've not climbed out of doors before and I may well be the third most experienced climber in the group, we're not trying anything difficult.

The Snug

Post 98

The Fish

smiley - smiley

"Uggg" was just a random statement.... nothing personal smiley - winkeyesmiley - biggrin

smiley - fish

The Snug

Post 99

Tinkerbell *tumbleweed*

A likely story... smiley - winkeye

*goes to look in her book to try and work out which climb it is*
It'll be so fun smiley - biggrin

The Snug

Post 100

The Fish

Ooo! Where abouts you going?

Climbing on slippery wet rock is loads of fun... smiley - silly (I always end up with achie knees though smiley - erm)

smiley - smiley
smiley - fish

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