Star Wars Battlefront 2

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This sequal to the successful Star Wars Battlefront is more of the same...but done a whole lot better.

Many of the elements of the original game are present, such as the 'cure the flag' style of gameplay, the 'hunt' mode and the 'kill all the opposing team' elements. But this time around, there's so much more.

Picture the scene: an Imperial Star Destroyer flying through the fastness of space, when it is intercepted by a Mon Calamari Star Cruiser. Then YOU kick in. Starting off in the hangar bay of one of these ships you can take a wander through the ship OR you could take a ship (an X-Wing or TIE Fighter, for example) and fry a few ships. That's right, one of Battlefront's failings was the tiny dogfighting areas but now they've been expanded.

Battlefront had the Hero characters. remember them? Remember hiding behind Vader as he made mincemeat of his enemies? Ever wished you could do that yourself? Now you can.

That's right. Battlefront 2 has playable Jedi characters. All of the favourites: Vader, Luke, Yoda and even a few specials such as General Grievous, Boba Fett and Han Solo. They all have unique weapons and (get this) FORCE POWERS!!! Thats's right. Each character has it's own set of Force powers. The Light side Jedi have stuff like Force Push/Pull while the Sith have (get this) Force Choke and Force Lightning.

There are other game modes too. Certain levels have specific mini-games. For example, many levels have Hunt mode, where you can kill a planet's native life forms (perfecdt for Gungan/Ewok haters) or play as them and take on invaders. There is also (in Mos Eisley) Assault, where the player can take all the Hero characters and play with any of them, unleashing them against all the other heros in the game. There is also a true 'capture the flag' mode where the object is to (surprise, surprise) capture a flag and return it to your home base.

The sheer scope of variety in this game is incredible. Do you, for example, use the Scout Trooper's sniper rifle to pick off your enemies from afar, or pick the Stormtrooper and wade into the fray, blasting at close range? he choice is yours. Space missions are the same. Do you vapourise enemy fighters, compromise ship's systems on the outside or fly straight into an enemy's hangar and destroy the systems from the inside.

A game that should get boring but doesn't due to the sheer magnitude of the game. Many game modes and unique ways of tackling missions make this a must-have game for fans and non-fans of Star Wars alike. 10/10

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