Nintendogs for Nintendo DS

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One of the best Virtual Pet simulators there are. For any platform.

Nintendogs comes in four 'flavours': Labrador and Friends; Daschund and Friends; Chihuahua and Friends; Dalmatian and Friends. They are all essentially the same game, what differs is the starting line-up of puppies available, however eventually all dogs will be unlocked.

The buying of Nintendogs will probably be influenced by which pair of adorable eyes looking out of the game box is more appealing and it can be a difficult choice. At the beginning of the game, six dog breeds are available to choose from, with more unlocked by earning a certain amount of 'Trainer points' in the game or by linking with another 'Nintendogs' owner who has a different dog.

The gameplay is as you might expect, you must keep your little pup happy by feeding it, bathing and brushing it's coat, playing with it, taking it for walks and teaching it tricks. this obviously forming the brunt of the game. Where Nintendogs really comes into it's own however, is the level of interaction. The player can interact with the puppy by using the touch-screen and stylus and also talk to it using the built-in microphone. This means that there are several ways to do some things. For instance, to call your dog to you, you can press a button, tap on the touch screen or either call your dog's name or whistle into the mic.

The graphics are crisp and clear, and the puppies are every bit as cute as their real-life counterparts. The sound is also spot-on and the interface is easy to understand. There are minor niggles in the game, such as the poor quality of the mic, and minor graphical glitches, but all in all this is a very playable and enjoyable game. 9/10

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