The Anthropomorphic Personification

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Strictly speaking, an anthropomorphic personification is a human representation of a concept. For example, the most widely known anthropomorphic personification is the Grim Reaper, also known as Death, Azreal, Thanatos etc. Death is a natural function, and the Grim Reaper embodies this function.
Other anthropomorphic personifications include the rest of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse mentioned in the Book of Revelations (these being Death, War, Famine and Pestilence)
Also worth mentioning are Gaea, the Green Mother or Mother Nature, Time (or Chronos).
Anthropomorhic Personifications crop up a lot in classical mythology, and are often closely linked with the Gods. For example War is also known in Greek mythology as Ares, while the Romans name him Mars. This can be quite confusing to anyone who is not well-versed in comparative mythology, however there are many books that provide a referance chart for the reader.
Here is a (by no means complete) list of some of the major anthrpomophic personifications in ancient Greek mythology and any others that I happen to think of
The ones that I have already mentioned.
Eros (Cupid in Rome) love

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