A Stargate Quiz - Season 5 Solution

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Season 5

How well do you know the tv series Stargate? Here are the answers to the Season 5 questions.

  1. Q What does Apophis do to Teal'c?

    A Brainwashes him


  2. Q In Ascension what is the name of the alien who falls in love with Sam and what alien (not from SG-1) is John de Lancie better known as?

    A Orlin, John de Lancie is better known as Q from Star Trek


  3. Q What does Adrian Conrad do to cure himself of his illness?

    A He implants himself with a symbiote


  4. Q What is the name of Cassandra's boyfriend?

    A Dominic


  5. Q Who is the Goa'uld the Tollan High Chancellor does a deal with?

    A Tannith


  6. Q What is the side effect of the Aschen's long-life vaccine?

    A Sterility


  7. Q What is significant about the episode Wormhole X-Treme?

    A It's the 100th episode of SG-1


  8. Q Which major System Lord (in future episodes) makes his debut in Summit/Last Stand?

    A Baal smiley - drool


  9. Q What happens to Daniel in Meridian?

    A He dies smiley - wah and ascends


  10. Q Which Goa'uld becomes the new bad guy on the block at the end of Season 5?

    A Anubis


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