Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, England

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Peterborough is a city in East Anglia, standing on the River Nene in the county of Cambridgeshire.

Transport Links

Peterborough's railway station is on the east coast main line, with regular services into London Kings Cross. There are also direct services east towards Norwich, west to Manchester, Liverpool and Birmingham, and to Stansted airport.

Peterborough is also well served by road, with the A1 very close, as well as the A47 and A605. Peterborough also has a very good parkway network, and for some years was the city in Europe you could get across quickest.


Peterborough has a range of sports teams. Peterborough United or 'The POSH' are the local professional association football team, and they play in the Nationwide Division Two. The manager is, at the time of writing Barry Fry, infamous for his hot language. The ground is London Road.

The local Ice Hockey team are The Peterborough Phantoms, based at Bretton's Ice Planet, and the local Speedway team is the Peterborough Panthers, based at the East of England Showground.

Leisure Activities

Peterborough is well served with leisure facillities - bowling, ice skating, skate parks, laser games, shopping, and more unusally, a steam railway.

The Nene Valley Railway is popular, particularly the Santa Specials and Thomas the Tank Engine.

Peterborough City CouncilPeterborough United FC

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