A Conversation for Movie News from Robbie Stamp

Oh my God, NOoooooooo!!!!!

Post 21

High Priest Lee of the Woopinese

Michael Palin from Monty Python would be a great Arthur, although he is a bit old.

Oh my God, NOoooooooo!!!!!

Post 22


All I can say is that this Researcher is completely and utterly wrong about the approach that is being taken.

Oh my God, NOoooooooo!!!!!

Post 23


I really don't think the movie can be that great. I know Adams really wanted this movie created, however I don't think anyone can bring to it the same "feel" that he did. I am in America so never heard the radio show, I am however trying to get ahold of a copy of the transcripts, but I loved all the books. There's something to them that other science fiction authors don't seem to have. They have humor and make you think. I just don't think that the 42, Vogon poetry, the irony of the yellow dump trucks, and so many other things will be able to come through without Adams to "watch over" the people creating it. After seeing Harry Potter, LOTR, and so many other books made into movies and how much creative licensing they have taken, I don't want to see the same thing happen to a book and author's name that I have loved so much. I know that if this movie is made I will go to see it...just in case it's good. But I really don't think it should be made.

Oh my God, NOoooooooo!!!!!

Post 24


I'm in America, too but I heard the radio series long before I found the books. NPR did several runs back in the 80's (maybe you could induce your local affiliate to bring it back). Anyway, the entire 12 episodes is available on CD from BBC.

Oh my God, NOoooooooo!!!!!

Post 25

aka Bel - A87832164

can you get it from amazon, then? And did they change the title or is it the same as the books? I've seen the tv-series in the early 80ies and then read the books, but never heard the radio series here in germany

Oh my God, NOoooooooo!!!!!

Post 26


I'm sure it was available over here at some time, however I am only 18, so when it was I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have understood or been interestedsmiley - smiley I was only introduced to the books a year and a half ago, but immediatly fell in love with them. Thank you for the info about the cd being available from the bbc though, I'll look into that.

Oh my God, NOoooooooo!!!!!

Post 27


I don't know about the son from My Family, but I think that the father, Ben, has an Arthur-ishness to him, don't you think? And I know some people are concerned that a movie would not match up to the quality of the previous mediums, but it's got good motivation, a huge fanbase, the support of many organizations and Douglas Adams was behind it. Can it really be so bad? I personally like the idea of a modern movie take on the story - it'll be fun! I am a bit confused as to how the Guide scenes will be shown, though.
At least wait until the film is made before you do the critic thing. smiley - smiley

Oh my God, NOoooooooo!!!!!

Post 28

Baron Grim

Here, Here!

I Am waiting with baited breath (gotta lay off the sushi) for the movie. I promise not to judge it before I've seen it. However I am a little bit apprehensive. We should all be thankful that there are more than a few folks involved in this project already who are doing their best to assure the movie is worthy of the title "Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy". This movie could have already been made. They HAD a script (not written by DNA), They HAD a director (Jay Roach of Austin Powers fame) they very nearly had a greenlight to proceed. Then someone read the script... It reeked (according to two people on the Ain't It Cool website who got a sneakpeak at the script). Luckily, someone put the brakes on the project and got Douglas to rewrite the script. He was in the process of doing so when he was taken from us. So now I'm smiley - groveling that, as was stated in the article, they got as much as possible from his harddrive before they put the screenplay in someone else's hands to complete.

That is all

CtZ smiley - vampire

Oh my God, NOoooooooo!!!!!

Post 29


I think the radio series transcripts are available on Amazon; just be careful because the "audio book" (I hate that term) is also there.

Oh my God, NOoooooooo!!!!!

Post 30

Baron Grim

I checked Amazon, but apparently the Radio Scripts are out of print. But you might be able to find a used copy through Amazon. I have the tenth anniversary edition of the Radio Scripts. It's a must have. Some of the sound effects cues are unbelievably funny. For instance during one of the episodes (fits) there is the SFX cue of "Shrubbery". That's all it says... "Shrubbery". In the footnotes it is explained. They wanted a good musical fanfare for the scene. What they were thinking of was the fanfare in "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" in the Nights Who Say NI! scene when they ask for a .... SHRUBBERY!!! So that's all that made it into the SFX cue... one word, "Shrubbery"

Oh my God, NOoooooooo!!!!!

Post 31

EncyBass-: Not going to be around much next week, cos I've got a new job...

But Sean Connery would make an excellent Slartibartfast.

Oh my God, NOoooooooo!!!!!

Post 32


No movie can EVER capture the detail that a book can, or equal the power of one's imagination; but it is fun to see faces put to characters and a world visually presented to you that you previously only imagined in your mind.

Oh my God, NOoooooooo!!!!!

Post 33

Rivkeh Yankee-Shoes... bashing about the BoE again

So, I wish we could wait until Rupert Grint (who played Ron on Harry Potter) could grow up and get hot... he'd make a KILLER Ford Prefect.

smiley - oksmiley - fairy

Oh my God, NOoooooooo!!!!!

Post 34

Baron Grim

Anyone who knows anything about the long and varied history of this project knows that you may just get your wish. It is listed on IMDB as of 19 June, 2003 of having a release date sometime in 2005. This project has been in the works since the mid 1980's. By the time it does actually get made, Grint just might be able to play Slartibartfast.

smiley - winkeye

Oh my God, NOoooooooo!!!!!

Post 35


How about John Lithgow as Marvin?

Oh my God, NOoooooooo!!!!!

Post 36

Researcher 234069

Ok I'm a newbie to the site, but a long time "Hitchikers" Fanatic. Pulled the entire Radio series off of Usenet, and have listened to it at least 20 times. My read on the casting is this;

Zaphod - Gary Oldman (JFK, Fifth Element) He can play a quirky character very well

Author Dent - How about Rowan Atkinson or Michael Palin (They both could be get the Naive "thing" that someone else spoke of in this thread?

Trillian - How about Tia Carrera or Demi Moore. Remember Trillian was a "Beautiful" and "Devastatingly Intelligently" ( As Arthur put it while meeting Zaphod for the first time aboard the Heart Of Gold) dark haired beuaty and smart?

Ford Prefect - Gary Busey??? Just weird enough to be believable as an orignal resident of an alien world, that just happens to be stuck on earth??

Just my two cents!


Oh my God, NOoooooooo!!!!!

Post 37

Thin Lizzy

I think Michael Palin may be a bit too silly to be Arthur. Remember that Arthur's a whinging, insecure character who gets thrown if the kettle boils five seconds before it usually does. I think Michael Palin is a bit too light-hearted to play him. But somebody suggested Rowan Atkinson. He'd definitely be good. Remember him as Blackadder 1.

Oh my God, NOoooooooo!!!!!

Post 38

Researcher 234069

I disagree with your Michael Palin synopsis. Did you see him in "Fish called Wanda? You can't see the same reaction to having his house knocked down as he did when the Kevin Klein character ate his fish?

Either way though, Rowan Atkinson is still a good choice.

Oh my God, NOoooooooo!!!!!

Post 39


I think Julia Roberts for Trillian.

Oh my God, NOoooooooo!!!!!

Post 40


I think there'd be a nice bit of symmetry to have a couple folks from either the radio series or the TV series do cameos or other roles. I always pictured Mark Wing-Davey as Prosser and Simon Jones as Slartibartfast.

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