h2g2 Post 04.09.03

3 Conversations

Posted: 4thSeptember 2003


Back again and somewhat refreshed

As some of you may have known, last week was my birthday week. At my advanced age I am determined to celebrate in style so this means indulging in a 'birthweek', leaving me very little time to fit in much surfing around h2g2 - or Post work.

Two things are distinctly different about birthdays here in Holland. Firstly, unlike most of the UK (sorry Munchkin!), there is no longer a Bank Holiday somewhere in my birthweek. Secondly, instead of just receiving birthday cards and phone calls from relatives, they actually all expect to turn up and be entertained with tea, coffee and cake for the best part of an afternoon or evening. Luckily most families are content to attend on the Sunday before or after said happy event, leaving the rest of the time free to indulge in what I know as the usual adult birthday passtime - meeting friends and drinking a few beverages containing alcohol. Not having The Post to produce last week meant that I could actually go out on the Wednesday; have a nice meal, play some pool and visit my local bar in town.

But now we are back - sober and working hard - and so are most of our wonderful contributors. Quite a few of you noticed the lack of h2g2 Life in the last issue so you will be pleased to see that Wowbagger (sorry, Twiggy Leaf) has returned. So, too, does Useless Hound with her Dog Tails. Reinhard tells an exciting tale of 'canyoning' and Stragbasher completes his epic sailing trip in New Zealand. A few regulars are missing, but hope to return very soon. All in all, a jolly good read!



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