A Conversation for Talking Point: Games - Traditional Versus Virtual
Last night
Furlock 234522 Started conversation Aug 1, 2003
Hi everybody!
Last night we were sitting in the patio (still 32 degrees c. - a heat wave brought us up to 46 deg. cent. during the day) and... were playing cards.
We could look into each others eyes, talk about many things and were playing also, having a lot of fun.
The room nearby has three PC's, a highspeed connection and lots of programs with games - but we wouldn't even think about using it to be together.
I think that non-virtual games have their place in their proper environment and also develop social skills. Gaming, sitting in front of a screen convert games into a lonely activity, doesn't matter how many people are playing at the same time.
Even if you are connected to thousands, you won't experience the importance of the game, what is without any doubt anything but winning or loosing.
Best wishes,
and may peace become our daily guest at home.
Miguel Furlock
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Last night
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