Doctor Who Geek Code

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It's possible that you may have heard of Geek Code. You may even be aware that there are Geek Codes for other subcultures, including an H2G2 researcher code. However, until now there has never been a Doctor Who Geek Code (the original Geek Code was very Star Trek oriented, probably because it originated in America).

Doctor Who Geek Code

Doctor Who Geek Code exists to tell other fans of that cracking TV programme Doctor Who exactly what you think of the programme, its lead actors, its various merchandising spin-offery, etc.

The programme

DW+++Doctor Who is my all time favourite TV programme. I write and/or direct for Big Finish, the BBC books, and/or DWM, am on the committee of several major conventions, I have no life outside of Doctor Who, and my bank PIN number is 2311.
DW++Doctor Who is one of my favourite TV programmes. I've had articles in DWM, go to several conventions, and most of my friends are Doctor Who fans. But I'm proud to say that I do have a life outside of Doctor Who.
DW+I love Doctor Who, read DWM regularly and have had a few letters printed in it, and have even been known to go to the occasional convention.
DWDoctor Who is great, but it's never been quite the same since the bloke with the scarf and the jelly babies left.
DW-I liked the Peter Cushing movies they made in the 1960s.
DW--Doctor Who? What's that? (NB: You probably ought to be here instead...)
DW---Doctor Who is a load of steaming tosh. A police box that's bigger inside than outside? A bloke who changes his appearance? A metal dog? Pfah.

The Doctors

Nine actors have played the Doctor on television. These are their names, followed by the relevant DWGC codes.

William HartnellWH
Patrick TroughtonPT
Jon PertweeJP
Tom BakerTB
Peter DavisonPD
Colin BakerCB
Sylvester McCoySM
Paul McGannPM
Christopher EcclestonCE

Approval or disapproval of these actors is indicated by a scale, as follows:

++Strong approval.
+Mild approval.
No real opinion.
-Mild disapproval.
--Strong disapproval

This approval is based on ones opinion of the actor's performance in the role, rather than on the perceived merits or otherwise of the stories in which he appeared, or the actor as a person.

An example DWGC1 would be:

DW+ WH- PT++ JP- TB+ PD CB++ SM- PM+ CE+

1Of this author, for the record.

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