Coyote Tales or Maybe Tails...

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Or something of similar nature by or as told to Analiese Farthing Wing.

So what might be in that name?

Well, by all accounts we know of, Analiese is Ana's jubilation, from the more or less non-profane French, probably from a wandering Voyageur. Happy Ana, right?

Farthing is a quarter of an English penny or a thegn who travels a good deal, thegn being a Viking noble or landed gent, or something like that.

Wing recollects what a bird flies with, so you can imagine this jubilant Ana flying far and wide with her cup full of quarters to play the slots amid a confusion of ringing bells and splenderous flashing lights.

So that's what might be in that name. Then again, maybe not.

Here's a link to a learned history concerning the origins of the Farthing surname by a scholar named Ben Farthing. We're not related by the way, unless he got his name from a white rancher too.

"What am I holding behind my back?" asked Analiese mischieviously.

"Ah, the Gambler playing a hand game!" exclaimed Uncle Ned. "If I lose do I become your slave then?"

"Yes indeedy and subject to my every whim if you want to bet your body."

"Well, since it's all I own in this world, I'll have to gamble it no doubt," concluded Uncle Ned ruefully. "So, here goes. I think you got a badger behind your back."

"Good guess," said Analiese, "but you belong to me now."

"Hah! Not so fast my pretty," objected Uncle Ned. "Show me what you've got. You could be lying you know?"

"Why would I lie?" asked Analiese innocently.

"Why? To avoid becoming my slave."

"I'm already your slave, Uncle Ned, remember?"

"How could I forget? But show your hand!"

"Oh, alright. If you don't trust me then I guess I'll just have to show what I got. Lookee!"

Analiese opened the hand she'd been hiding behind her back revealing a loosely woven willow basket.

"A basket! How could I have missed that?"

"Wrong again, look closer."

Uncle Ned peered at the basket looking through the weaves and there in bits in pieces began to materize a creature banded like a rainbow with a red throat and shiny scales.

"It's a fish!" exclaimed Uncle Ned.

"Yeah, you want it?"

"I'm hungry for true."

"Then release it into the stream."

"But it will swim away in the current."

"Maybe, but if you talk nice to it it might return to you someday."

"How does one talk to a fish?"

"With your hands maybe, gentle, caring hands, what do you think?"

"I think you're crazy, Analiese. I think I'm seeing rainbow trout instead of pink elephants. I think it's going to hail."

"Whatever, Uncle Ned, whatever. Now, go fetch us some firewood."

"But my rheumatism!"

"It'll be okay. I would never mistreat my slave. You'll feel better about it especially after you release the fish in the stream. Then you'll have plenty of strength to gather wood."

Uncle Ned grabbed the basket with the cutthroat in it and stalked off into the gathering gloom.

"Women!" he muttered. "Can't live with them or without them. I'm going to die for true, die and never return."

But a little later, Uncle Ned returned with an armload of wood and the shattered remnants of a willow basket. It burned smokey but fragrant in the gathering darkness while a little later, down in the stream, something reflected the moonlight in a colorful array of rainbow colors shimmering in the playful ripples that danced under the cool night air.

Analiese smiled as she watched, her pearly grin mirrored in the gently swirling backwater pool like the crescent moon over her shoulder, two grins grinning back.

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