The Chimney Walk: Shankill to Scalp Loop

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Total distance about 12km

This walk in south County Dublin starts out in the suburbs but very rapidly reaches proper countryside with forests, mountains and great views. This is one of the nicest walks in South Dublin.

The walk starts at Brady's pub in Shankill. You can get to here by train (DART), bus or car. Although the pub has a large car park, it is intended for use by pub customers. At busy times, cars using the car park for other purposes may be clamped, so it is advisable to find parking on the street. There are a few spaces in front of the pub, and there is parking on some of the suburban roads nearby off the main road.

The walk starts at the beginning of the Dublin Mountains Way (DMW), a signposted walking route that goes the whole way to Tallaght in the southwest of the county. The route as described here follows much of the Dublin Mountains Way but leaves it at certain places.

  1. The route starts in Brady's car park, between the car park and the pub itself. There is a DMW marker-post - a wooden post with a yellow figure of a man and an arrow pointing the way. Follow the path between houses and along lanes. There's a sudden 90° turn to the left and then the path rises up to cross the M11 motorway on a footbridge. After the motorway, at the end of the path, cross Ballybride Road and continue straight on up Lordello Road.

  2. At the end of Lordello Road, turn right onto Ferndale Road which can be quite busy. At the next junction, cross the road and take the rightmost of the two routes, which is signposted for the DMW.

  3. After about 100m, you arrive at a tiny stone cross only one metre high on the side of the path. This is Rathmichael Cross and dates from the 12th Century. It is one of a group of four crosses in this area which are all thought to have been carved by the same stonemason.

  4. Further on, the path enters Rathmichael Wood. The DMW route goes off to the left, but don't follow it. Continue on straight. In another 10m or so, this path also turns to the left up the hill.

  5. At the corner, you can take a detour if you wish, to see an old ruined church. You'll need to be able to climb a gate to do this. Go through the gap in the fence to the right and cross the field to the far corner where you can see a group of trees. Climb over the six-barred metal gate and follow the laneway for another 10m to the gateway into the churchyard. This is Old Rathmichael Church. The cemetery is still used but the church was abandoned in about 1600. The building dates from about 1200, but there are much older slabs of stone attached to the left side of the ruin - these are Early Christian gravestones and are probably from the 5th to 8th Centuries. Also to the left of the church is the base of a Round Tower, indicating that this was once the site of a monastery. This circular base has the local name 'The Skull Hole' because it was once used as a container for old bones and skulls dug up from the cemetery.

    After visiting the old church, return the way you came back through the gap in the fence to the corner of the path.

  6. Continue on the route up the hill. Near the top of the hill, follow the path to the right indicated by the signpost with the green footprints symbol. This loops around the top of the hill with good views through the trees to the right, gradually bending leftwards until it crosses an area of bare ground at the brow of the hill. Just to the left here at the top of the hill you can see a very low circular earthbank. This is all that is left of Rathmichael, an iron-age fortress. Continue on the path slightly downhill to join a bigger road. Turn right here.

  7. After another 100m or so you turn right to rejoin the Dublin Mountains Way.

  8. At the public road (Puck's Castle Lane), turn sharp left onto the road. Proceed along the road for 320m, then turn right up the hill at the edge of the forest (signposted DMW). This next bit is the steepest part of the walk. Take your time and rest along the way if you need to.

  9. Ignore the turn to the left marker-posted for the Dublin Mountain Way. Continue straight on.

  10. At the top of the hill you will see the old Ballycorus Lead Mines Chimney on the right. Walk over to the chimney and admire the view. This chimney dates from 1807 and was originally 50% taller than it is now. The top one third was removed because it was considered unsafe, as were the bottom few steps of the exterior spiral staircase to prevent people from climbing it. The low stonework beyond the chimney is the remains of the flue which brought exhaust gases up to the chimney from the nearby Ballycorus ore smelter. You can go inside the chimney if you want.

  11. Returning the 100m to the main path, continue along the main path, keeping the forest on your left. The path comes down to a gate, rejoining the DMW. Go through the gate onto the public road and turn right.

  12. At the next junction, go straight on into Barnaslingan Wood. Going straight through the car park, follow the DMW signs up a path. This next section is delightful as much of it is in a deciduous forest.

  13. After another 1km, you reach the Scalp, a dramatic V-shaped valley created by meltwater during one of the ice ages. There's a flat 'lookout rock' where you can get a great view, both down into the valley and across to the other mountains nearby. This is the farthest point from the start of the walk. There's a herd of wild goats that live around here; if you're lucky you might see some of them.

  14. Turn back on your tracks and retrace your steps as far as a tree with a yellow DMW sign pointing left and a red footprints sign pointing right. Go right here until you reach a forest road. Follow the forest road away from the Scalp. When you come to a junction, take the right turn which should bring you straight back to the Barnaslingan Wood car park.

  15. Follow the public road back the way you came and into the gate.

  16. After entering the gate, turn right up the hill. Continue on this path for about 800m until you see the hill of Carrigolligan looming straight in front of you. The road you're on bends to the left, but the path continues straight on, rising towards the hill. Follow the path. When it meets the hill it turns left, and then zigags back to the right. Follow this path to the top of the hill of Carrigolligan. There's a stupendous view from the top, giving a 360° panorama of South Dublin and north Wicklow.

  17. Retutn down the path to the base of the hill and turn right, following the DMW signs.

  18. Continue on the DMW, following the signs. Most of them are obvious, but watch out in particular for the right turn at the crossroads after 280m. Continue all the way back to Brady's pub in Shankill.

There is food avilable in the pub.

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