Juxtapositions Do caterpillars evoke mixed emotions in you? On the one hand, they're often kind of alien-looking. They eat holes in leaves in your garden, voracious little beggars. You might not want one crawling on you. On the other hand, caterpillars are kind of magical. They go to sleep, and when they wake up, they're something completely different. Maybe even a gorgeous butterfly. How cool is that? Don't you secretly wish that could happen to you?
This week, our contributors examine the strange juxtapositions that make up life. Willem tells us about that caterpillar – and he's right on time with it, as there's a definite connection to our spooky October Create theme. Create has been busy this week: we've got FOUR spooky tales for you. Curl up with a hot drink, a soft blanket, and the Post's answers to King and Lovecraft. (Make sure the door is locked first.) You'll also want to catch Awix's review of the latest Dracula film, although frankly, it sounds like it's scarier to a historian than a horror buff.
As Willem's Phyto-Philes reminds us, though, it's not all gloom, doom, and dark-and-stormy-night. There's remarkable beauty out there. Admire those balloons in Albuquerque, too. Ben is here to let us know that RL continuea, as well, and sometimes there are bright spots.
We hope you have as much fun exploring the thrills, spills, and laughs in this issue as we've have putting them together. Remember, there's still plenty of time for you to scare the pants/trousers off your fellow h2g2ers. Get writing/photographing/drawing/scheming…
And have a good week!
Dmitri Gheorgheni