A Conversation for The Scenic River Thames, England, UK
Palace of Westminster
manolan Started conversation Feb 14, 2006
There is a second surviving part of the original Palace, which is the Jewel Tower across the road from the Houses of Parliament.
Palace of Westminster
Mina Posted Feb 14, 2006
Oh thanks, I'm intending to do something on Parliament Sq some time in the future - maybe in summer when it's not so cold to stand around!
Is that part of the original Westminster Palace though?
Palace of Westminster
manolan Posted Feb 15, 2006
Definitely is:
Palace of Westminster
manolan Posted Feb 15, 2006
Oh, and it isn't actually *in* Parliament Square. I think it is in Old Palace Yard, which is really the nearest thing to the Embankment at that stage.
Palace of Westminster
Mina Posted Feb 15, 2006
Great, thanks for the links! I've changed the entry (as per my 'Curator' status, rather than as author of the entry) to reflect that it's not the only surviving building, although I haven't added anything about this one.
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Palace of Westminster
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