A Conversation for 'Fight Club' - the Film

Has anybody seen ...

Post 1

Mo Power (Itching Cucumber, Lord of Nonsense elect)

There is a scene in the beginning of the film, where "Jack" watches the copy machine. if you watch very closely (or use slo-mo), you will find, that the image of tyler durden flashes in for only one frame. is this only in the vhs verion, or was i just to blind to sie it @cinema?

Has anybody seen ...

Post 2

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

I'm not absolutely sure... I know Tyler is on screen like three times for only a blip before his character is actually introduced... it's been a while since I last saw it so I don't remember specifically where it is he pops up.

But one of those times might be at a copy machine.

Has anybody seen ...

Post 3

Swiv (decrepit postgrad)

there's the copy machine, and one on the moving walkway things when the Narrator is at the airport. I guess they were at the cinema, but I didn't notice them till the DVD, one of those second time around things.

Has anybody seen ...

Post 4

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

The only one I can remember for sure is the blip in front of the church after one of the support groups.

Has anybody seen ...

Post 5

Mo Power (Itching Cucumber, Lord of Nonsense elect)

Of course, this is a thing you CAN only realise after seeing the film at least one time - otherwise it won't make any sense...

Has anybody seen ...

Post 6


The first time Tyler pops up at the copy machine. He also pops up when the narrator is talking to the doctor about his insomnia. He can also be seen during the first testicular cancer group. I think he also pops up after one of the support groups.

When the narrator is in a hotel room, watching tv, the astute viewer might notice that Tyler is there with the hotel staff (not just for one frame, this time).

It's also worth mentioning that the film contains a single frame of pornography just before the closing credits, in keeping with Tyler's hobby.

I missed the film when it was in the cinema, but according to the DVD commentary track, these subliminal blips were there, but just not that noticeable without freeze-frame.

Has anybody seen ...

Post 7

Swiv (decrepit postgrad)

... or directors commentary
smiley - smiley

Has anybody seen ...

Post 8

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

Err... I caught all of the blips on the first viewing... in my uni dorm room while sick. smiley - erm

Has anybody seen ...

Post 9

Swiv (decrepit postgrad)

*is very impressed*

Has anybody seen ...

Post 10

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

Cold meds help my concentration, it would seem.

Or just mess up my attention center. smiley - winkeye

Has anybody seen ...

Post 11

Dark Side of the Goon

Edward Norton still gets called "Sir" in resteraunts...and other places.

He regards this as cool.

Has anybody seen ...

Post 12

Swiv (decrepit postgrad)

heck, who wouldn't

Has anybody seen ...

Post 13

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

*points at self, being female*

smiley - winkeye

Has anybody seen ...

Post 14

Dark Side of the Goon

Well, the female thing aside for a moment...

there's a worrying side to Ed Norton being called "Sir" by people he doesn't know. It is, of course, a reference to the movie - even more so the really excellent book.

I would say more, but it's a major spoiler and I'm ever alert to the first two rules...

Has anybody seen ...

Post 15

Swiv (decrepit postgrad)

well, yes, being female, and not ever wishing to be called "madam"
but in that context, it must be kinda cool.

Has anybody seen ...

Post 16

Just Justin... (ACE)

I'm not sure if this is true, but i've heard from a friend that every time you see tyler, he is shown for a longer period of time, if you know what i mean...
*Realises how confusing my statement was...*


Has anybody seen ...

Post 17


Yeah, there is a flash image of tyler, during the photocopy scene. and actually there is one more than i originally thought.
I saw the film at the cinema, ONE of the best films i have seen ( next to America Beauty, and a select few ), and didn't notice, but there are other scenes where, if slowed down tyler flashes on screen.
Want my opinion on these and all the other flashes and basically the whole movie?
Tyler makes the films for the cinema (including some nice porno moments ). Well, the film we watch is tylers movie, we have his character which is typically an anti hero, normally associated with movie makers themselves. then we have 'Jack', who is actually a figment of tylers imagination. How do i know this? well, the image of porn at the end is the like the porn that tyler puts into the kiddie.
tyler has made a film for us to watch, about this shit that one man geos through after discovering life after a pasiley blue tie!
The film is amazing, and fincher is god!

Has anybody seen ...

Post 18

Arwen, Queen of Reunited Gondor and Arnor

i caught the porn blip at the end the first time, then i didn't catch any more for the next 2 or 3 times, then i started catching a few blips every time i watched the movie again. i've probably watched it upwards of 15 times, and i've caught all the blips on vhs.

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