A Conversation for Diana, Princess of Wales, and the Power of Myth
Sir Panther, Keeper of Webthingz / Downloadz, Knight of Mystical Mathematics. Started conversation Jun 5, 2002
Amazing Grace !
Well here's my 2 pence worth:
Deep, makes me think, makes me wonder. Well structured and sequenced.
Keeper of Webthingz / Downloadz
a girl called Ben Posted Jun 6, 2002
Thank you for reading it Panther, and thanks for your comment.
Your brain is not the only one. Mine refused to think about it for 20 years, and then the whole thing came out at 2.00 one morning...
All the best
a girl called Ben
Sir Panther, Keeper of Webthingz / Downloadz, Knight of Mystical Mathematics. Posted Jun 6, 2002
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