A Conversation for 'Stoppit and Tidyup' - the Cartoon

Stoppit and Tidyup video

Post 1

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Anyone know where I can get (or borrow) a copy of the video? Little smiley - fish has been pestering me and I can't get hold of a copy anywhere.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Stoppit and Tidyup video

Post 2


I'm not sure where you'd find one.

The best would be to look on the net for rare or old kids videos.

I have a video, but I don't know how many were made.

Stoppit and Tidyup video

Post 3

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Hi Cherrystar,

Thanks.smiley - smiley I still haven't found one, although I will keep looking.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Stoppit and Tidyup video

Post 4

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

There's a DVD - and I've ordered one for little smiley - fish's birthday!! smiley - wow

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Stoppit and Tidyup video

Post 5


Where did you find it, in the end ? I might get the dvd (just in case my video goes wonky...)

Stoppit and Tidyup video

Post 6

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

It's available from Amazon and also (very slightly cheaper) from this lot: http://www.sendit.com/video/item/7000000089029 - odd - I thought I'd ordered it a couple of days ago, and apparently, I haven't.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

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