A Conversation for Burke and Hare - the Bodysnatchers
burke and hare
chaeron Started conversation Aug 7, 2009
i just wish that they mentioned HARE was the first person to turn kings evidence and are in the Archibalds book of law
burke and hare
BryanSandolov Posted May 3, 2011
Has anyone seen the new movie about the serial killers Burke and Hare? I heard there was a documentary that came out about it but haven't found it yet.
burke and hare
BryanSandolov Posted May 7, 2011
Okay thanks. I thought it has something along the lines of "The Body Merchants," but I am not completely sure.
burke and hare
BryanSandolov Posted May 7, 2011
Found the website for the documentary if anyone is interested (www.burkeandharedvd.com).
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