Three Heads

10 Conversations

Caption Competition | Vagabonds | Odd One Out? | Young Love | Abi and Ashley | Crosspatch | Scotland the Brave | Mrs V | Three Heads | Drunk... again | Eating Worms

We deny everything! It was like that when we found it! 1

Other captions that impressed the Judges were:

Clive twangs Parrferris's elastic in retaliation to eris and Mrs V working him from behind2.
Unfortunately for the talented three headed actor, amputation was the only course of action to insure she landed the role of Zaphood Beeblebrox in the forthcoming multi million pound blockbuster. The only decision was, which head was for the chop?3
1Congratulations to eris who wins an h2g2 T-shirt.2Contributed by Tabitca.3Contributed by Demon Drawer.

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