A Conversation for George Harrison - a Tribute

George & Paul correction

Post 1

Lee Whitman 200392

I would like to commend you on your entry, but do have one correction to add.

You state that after the Beatles' breakup, George and Paul McCartney did not work together again until the Anthology (1995-97). In fact, Paul (with Linda and Denny Laine) appeared on George's album Somewhere In England in 1981, on the song All Those Years Ago, a tribute to John Lennon.

Beatles hotmailaccount

Post 2


If anyone wants my beatlesfourever hotmailaccount he/she can get it.

Beatles Fourever was a usual slogan these days.

I can give you the secret code.

No, its nĂ³ "number 9....

Greatings from Amsterdam, Alfredo

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