A Conversation for Nudists

Steady the buffs

Post 1


But when *is* one naked? I mean, what constitutes nudity? Is it purely a genital thing? Why do you say that someone is naked if they're wearing a hat, back pack, t-shirt, socks and shoes, but not if they're in a bikini? If I undo my fly and let the old feller hang out, does that count? So many questions.

I'd also like to point out that clothes are not just functional, it actually turns out there's a multi-billion pound industry devoted to what these things look like. Nudity and clothing are both forms of self-expression and the former does not consitute 'freedom'; in fact it's quite limiting as one can't wear a different body for different moods. True freedom, therefore, is to remove one's body entirely, cumbersome bloody thing, and become just a personality and set of emotions. I suppose h2g2 is as close to that as we can get.

Steady the buffs

Post 2


It's odd how being covered in paint that looks like clothing makes people feel 'dressed'.

Steady the buffs

Post 3


Not sure that would work for me; I feel naked without me slippers. But yes, would a layer or two (undercoat and overcoat) of paint constitute clothing? What about cling film or other transparent materials? I suppose the obvious truth is that we're all naked under our clothes.

Steady the buffs

Post 4

Andrew Wyld [kt:'Burning Pestle', kp:'Mutamems, Ideodiversity', Zaph.]

It's one of the great levelling facts of life, as is the fact that we all defecate, and the extreme dignity attaching thereto.

Paint? Nonsense. Varnish. That'll put a smile on your trousers.

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