A Conversation for Hearts - the Card Game
Another rule.
Wonderbra Liz Started conversation Nov 22, 2001
We used to play this game all the time at school, with a slight variation. The King and Ace of Spades also had a points value of 10 and 7, so if you were unlucky enough to only have the Ace of Spades when the Queen and King have been put down, you won the lot!
We didn't finish when we got to 100 either - we just kept playing until the end of lunch/break time, or the teachers caught us and made us stop!
Another rule.
Anonymouse Posted Nov 23, 2001
We played it in school, too.. during study halls. The teachers there were happy to have us playing cards and being relatively quiet as opposed to the alternative when we -weren't- playing cards.
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Another rule.
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