A Conversation for The History of Modern Medicine


Post 1

Vintermann (VnnMint's updated name)

Nice article, but perhaps Ignaz Semmelweiss would be worth a mention? The first doctor who suggested that unclean hands and instruments transferred birth fever. Fascinating story with a tragic end.


Post 2

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

Ha! I was looking through the guide for any reference to old Ignaz P.and you are it so far. I was thinking of writing a separate entry about him.


Post 3

Vintermann (VnnMint's updated name)

Cool! I can find you some stuff if you want. I read a dramtized account (a play by Jens Bjørneboe) of his life, which, while I think it made him a lot more of an anarchist than he was smiley - smiley, was very moving.


Post 4

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

Yes, well, I learned about him by reading an entire encyclopedia for fun. Just ran across his entry by reading the 's' volume.
But Terry Gilliam knows about him,too. See 'Twelve Monkeys'.

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