A Conversation for Oscar Wilde - Playwright and Wit
Nicely Done!
Gnomon - time to move on Started conversation Jan 18, 2001
A good article.
There is a missing semicolon after è in the name of the cemetery at the end. Alternatively, you can type an รจ by turning on Num Lock, holding down Alt and typing 0232.
Nicely Done!
Aposiopesis Posted Jan 18, 2001
I hate to have to be a pedant and point out problems in an otherwise faultless and informative piece (crawl, crawl...) But...You spelt "Marquis" wrong - as have I just there. An English one is a Marquess, not a Marquis. Irish and Scottish ones use the latter spelling.
Nicely Done!
DewiMorgan Posted Sep 16, 2003
Actually, both work, as do both "Queensbury" and "Queensberry" - I've written a little something on this fascinating chap here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/alabaster/A1285373
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Nicely Done!
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