A Conversation for Red Dwarf - The TV Series

DOo't watch the eighth series, though

Post 41

Blue Sky

I suppose it's because Lister really DOESN'T want to go insane...I mean, he needs someone to talk to, and really someone who reputedly critisises you is better that no-one. It's strange though that they only realise they could have any room they liked by season III where they moved to the "Officer's Quarters"...oh! And Rimmer moved in with Rimmer in my favourite episode...Me squared...but moved back in with Lister when Rimmer (the other one) got too much for him (the same one)...I suppose that deep down they are really sort of friends...think of "Blue" in Series VII, another favourite episode of mine, when Lister missed Rimmer (still the same one). Or maybe I'm just using too much of Miss Kochanski's Psycho-babble...

DOo't watch the eighth series, though

Post 42

Blue Sky

I suppose it's because Lister really DOESN'T want to go insane...I mean, he needs someone to talk to, and really someone who reputedly critisises you is better that no-one. It's strange though that they only realise they could have any room they liked by season III where they moved to the "Officer's Quarters"...oh! And Rimmer moved in with Rimmer in my favourite episode...Me squared...but moved back in with Lister when Rimmer (the other one) got too much for him (the same one)...I suppose that deep down they are really sort of friends...think of "Blue" in Series VII, another favourite episode of mine, when Lister missed Rimmer (still the same one). Or maybe I'm just using too much of Miss Kochanski's Psycho-babble...

DOo't watch the eighth series, though

Post 43

Blue Sky

I suppose it's because Lister really DOESN'T want to go insane...I mean, he needs someone to talk to, and really someone who reputedly critisises you is better that no-one. It's strange though that they only realise they could have any room they liked by season III where they moved to the "Officer's Quarters"...oh! And Rimmer moved in with Rimmer in my favourite episode...Me squared...but moved back in with Lister when Rimmer (the other one) got too much for him (the same one)...I suppose that deep down they are really sort of friends...think of "Blue" in Series VII, another favourite episode of mine, when Lister missed Rimmer (still the same one). Or maybe I'm just using too much of Miss Kochanski's Psycho-babble...

DOo't watch the eighth series, though

Post 44

Blue Sky

I suppose it's because Lister really DOESN'T want to go insane...I mean, he needs someone to talk to, and really someone who reputedly critisises you is better that no-one. It's strange though that they only realise they could have any room they liked by season III where they moved to the "Officer's Quarters"...oh! And Rimmer moved in with Rimmer in my favourite episode...Me squared...but moved back in with Lister when Rimmer (the other one) got too much for him (the same one)...I suppose that deep down they are really sort of friends...think of "Blue" in Series VII, another favourite episode of mine, when Lister missed Rimmer (still the same one). Or maybe I'm just using too much of Miss Kochanski's Psycho-babble...

DOo't watch the eighth series, though

Post 45


I didnt care much for the series 8 either i thought they had lost the plot a little bit with that one.However i do watch the strangerers which appears to be quite a good little series.Hopefully it will become as popular as the dwarf.If any is interested there is a guide entry on the strangerers available through my homepage.Please have a look and see what you think.

DOo't watch the eighth series, though

Post 46

Boys and Cake Girl

Personally I'd rather live with the cat. Me Squared is very funny but it scares me, I think I'd be the same if I had to put up with me 24-7. At least I know about gazpacho soup anyway.

DOo't watch the eighth series, though

Post 47

Blue Sky

What I liked about Me Squared is the fact that if I lived with MYSELF I'd probably be really annoyed with myself...the other one. I don't know why people put up with me sometimes. Oh, and sorry about the multiple postings bu my server went down (dang and blast you AOL!!!) and I enjoyed watching the little messages appearing...I'll be more patient this time.

DOo't watch the eighth series, though

Post 48

Boys and Cake Girl

I did wonder, I thought it was such a good point you just wanted to drive it home.
I think, having had nothing else to ponder on at work today, that it would be far more interesting to meet your male/female counter-part insted. (Know all the scripts; can never remember the titles!) although I probably make as bad a man as I do well-adjusted female.

DOo't watch the eighth series, though

Post 49

Blue Sky

(Laughs maniacally) *wipes away tear* Oh deary me. Oh, and I think you're ref(f?)ering to "Parallel Universe" (the actual episode originally didn't have aname and they tagged one on for the video release). Hey - what does everyone think of the remastered series? Personally I think some of them are done extremely well (especially in "Queeg" and the chase scene in "Bodyswop" but I don't like the fact that they had to cut bits out of some episodes such as Cat meeting the maid-mer and the skutters having babies... (The reason I know so much about the remastered series is that as the BBC had deleted all of their original copies of the videos and as I wanted to complete my video collection AND because I wanted to complete the nice piccy on the side of the videos when you stack them all up together I have all of them. A bit sad, eh?)

Don't watch the eighth series, though

Post 50

Patrick A Reid

Am I the only person who has bothered to fix the subject line!!?

Evidently. Anyway, yes, I agree, series eight bad. Very bad. Seven was passable. It contained many plot contradictions, but hey, I can live with that. Although suddenly having a Virtual Reality Suite on a ship to surface mining craft was a bit iffy. Especially considering they had to use a derelict VR machine in Gunmen of the Apocalypse when the suite was there the whole time!! Anyway, back to series eight. Mmm, bad. Not good.

It was so bad I don't know where to start. Maybe what made it worse what that there were so many good IDEAS, they just came out crappy. Anyway, those of you who hated it as well will know what I mean.

Oh, and as for new versus old Red Dwarf, I think season five was the absolute peak. Brilliant stuff.

Meanwhile, the remakes of the first two series. Honestly. Why, why, why!!? And why did they make the moon look like Marilyn Monroe's bottom instead of Felicity Kendall's!!? EVIL I TELL YOU!! EEEVIL!!!

That's my three cents. (Inflation.)

completely new header...satisfied???

Post 51

Blue Sky

You can acyually explain most plot contradictions in series VII by just saying that their future selves aquired them somewhere aling the line and "anomolies have merged from both dimensions to cope with the paradox" which is why the ship was expanded by 300 percent (whatever it was) and why they had a holo-suite...obviously them in the future were rich enough to have the suite installed. Simple. And I do like SOME bits of VIII, and I believe the style was a refreshing change and I loved...I mean I LOVED!!!!! the trailer for it. I did tape it fully but then scrubbed it...maybe I ought to buy the video...and if VIII had come out actually how Doug Naylor wanted it too then it would probably have been the best series ever. But then...it was all a case of money.

Oh, and no-one changed the subject header because we were being erm...polite? Or lazy? Yeah...lazy. I had noticed it, but....hey!

kochanski indeed

Post 52

Researcher 114141

lister was never supposed to find kochanski,
why oh why, did they have to write her in,
and rimmer gone? what. the universal laws
of all comedy prohibit the series 8
character combination from being any more
than only slightly funny.

kochanski indeed

Post 53

Crazy Harry

Has anybody seen my glasses????

In one word...

Post 54

Blue Sky


kochanski indeed

Post 55


No, but I've seen fire and I've seen rain. I've seen lonely days I thought would never end... Does that count?

kochanski indeed

Post 56


No, but I've seen fire and I've seen rain. I've seen lonely days I thought would never end... Does that count?

Not the movie!

Post 57


IIRC they're not sure about whether there will be a ninth series, it'll depend on the movie as you say, but it's not guaranteed that there won't be another series...*please* don't let RD become ST with its plethora of films where the first few are okay and the rest are just inane claptrap smiley - smiley

Not the movie!

Post 58

Fashion Cat

um. actually the Beeb want another series, and series VIII was'nt that bad had you been at the filming. Pete was only one ep, and into the red was only 2. therefore it would be the usual 6 eps as normal. why they changed it I have no idea, pete seemed to drawn out, and they expanded on things that just seemed lame.

anyway, the film should be good, and only if its a hit are they gonna make another (apparently) and I remeber reading that Rob Grant's involved as well, which might restore it back to the 'good old days'!!

anyway... there you go. shout at me now!! smiley - winkeye

Not the movie!

Post 59

Seagull's Lost Horizon

I enjoyed the books, but the last series I taped and I don't think I've watched them again, the only one I really liked which seemed to be a more traditional/good ol' days one was 'cassandra'???, the computer they found at the bottom of an ocean, but most of the episoes seemedto revolve around time parallel universes, what could of happened etc for me it got a little boring if nothing elce like the man said all to samey

All gone to pot.

Post 60

The Rain Girl, Keeper of Storytelling

They have all so sold their souls for the money. Give these guys a set of stuck-together egg boxes and blinking lights and they make some of the best TV I have ever seen. Give them a £100 000 budget and it all goes to pieces.
Did you know that one of the writers droped out for series 7&8? If you look at the books they each wrote you can understand why those series were so totally off-balance; the writers had really different styles and it was the blend between them that got the really great stuff; now starbug is out of control and on course for that rather large moon directly in their path. Shame.

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