The h2g2 Post 16.04.09

2 Conversations

Posted: 16th April 2009




Last issue, I advertised in the editorial for a Post Artist to join the Team, and I'm delighted to report that we've not only filled the position, but filled it twice!

It's an elite team we have here, of course, but when we had two high-quality applicants for the same job it was fairly obvious that the best solution would be to simply create an extra job. So please give a warm welcome to our Post Artists, Malabarista and King Bomba, who are going to be running the Cartoons section of The Post between them in future, and also updating some of our graphics. We're delighted to have them both with us.

In fact, KB has already been innovating and has set up a Flickr account where you can view larger-resolution versions of Post pictures. In future, we'll presume that you don't mind us using your images on Flickr as well as in The Post; if you don't want us to add them for whatever reason, please do let us know.

It's been another busy week, so I'm going to leave it there. The next issue will be celebrating ten years of h2g2, so please get your submissions in and let's make it a really wonderful issue. Deadline for submissions is Sunday 26th April – we'll see you then!






  • Kalima

  • dmitri's houseboat in the Mediterranean





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  • 'Colours of Wildlife', by The Return of the Unmentionable Marauding Pillowcase











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