A Conversation for Leeches
paulcusi Started conversation Nov 11, 2006
dear anyone,
i have a problem about leech control. i have a peice of land that i want to develop as a play ground for "war games"/"air soft". the problem is, it is infested with terestrial leeches. i would like to ask, or know methods of controlling, or even exterminating the crawlers immidiately. pls help......
lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned Posted Nov 12, 2006
Hello Paul,
I have left a message in your Personal Space, hopefully, it will help you find your way around Hootoo (h2g2)
Might I suggest you put your questions to <./>Askh2g2</.> You will find the Community is vast, but most subscribe to that area
lil xx
Pimms Posted Nov 12, 2006
I'm not sure if they can help, but the most comprehensive leech information may be possible to source from http://www.invertebrate.us/leech/index.htm - look for the Invertebrate Forum, then Leeches! sections to ask the experts.
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