A Conversation for Pharaoh Ants
At last, it's in!
Salamander the Mugwump Started conversation Oct 13, 2000
What a long wait. But now it's in at laaast - Lovely!
I know you're far too busy just now Amy, but at some point in the future:
Ants rule, OK!
Your pal
At last, it's in!
Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive Posted Oct 13, 2000
Isn't it exciting? And a weekend slot too.
I'm just finishing off my article on programming languages. After that I'll have to see if I can find the time to research the honeypot ants.
Amy the Ant
Programming languages
Salamander the Mugwump Posted Oct 28, 2000
Hi Amy
I've just been over to have a look at your article on programming languages for children. It's very interesting. Drop me an a note when you take it over to peer review so I can say over there what a lovely and informative piece of writing it is.
Programming languages
Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive Posted Oct 28, 2000
Thank you my dear. I have nearly finished it and I hope to submit it by the end of next week.
Programming languages
Salamander the Mugwump Posted Oct 29, 2000
I await in anticipation.
I just have to tell you to record the event as it happens. Remember you told me way back about the infamous 6 minute delay in h2g2's updating wasnames? Well, I just posted a message at the peer review to tell someone the article they were recommending was already in the edited guide and I noticed that on the peer review page my message was recorded as having been posted 33 minutes ago, on Minesweep Goddess's page it was recorded as having been posted 7 minutes ago and on my page it was time stamped 4 minutes ago. Weird or what? I also sent the Goddess a message to say bugs were nice because she doesn't seem to like them, about 20 minutes ago, and that seems to have got all together lost. There are only about 26 people here at the moment (it's way past bed time) so it can't be because it's just so busy. Odd, ah?
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At last, it's in!
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