A Conversation for Fractals - Beautiful Mathematics

The ultimate fractal explorer

Post 1


I've been playing around with some of the fractal programs out there. Unfortunately, there aren't a lot of them for Macs.

I've long had a fantasy, though, of the "ultimate fractal program."

I hope I am alive when virtual reality becomes sophisticated enought for you to put on a pair of goggles or whatever and zoom around *inside* a fractal in 3 dimensions. You could use one hand to signify the direction you wanted to zoom/fly, and another hand to do things like change color pallettes or speed.

The computing power would need to be pretty hefty, though, not to mention the resolution of the goggles.

Anyone have any guesses until someone makes this happen?
I say about 15 years before something decent comes along.


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The ultimate fractal explorer

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