A Conversation for George Orwell - Author

Nato stooge

Post 1

Researcher 200593

It's strange how the oponents of the system can get hi-jacked by the system. Orwell wrote for the magazine "Horizon", edited by Cyril Connolly, Sonia Brownell (later Orwell's wife) and others. Mervyn Peake, another rebel, also drew pictures for it. This magazine was secretly funded by the CIA, as part of the cold war. Late in 1949 the secret came out. To their great honour, the entire editorial board resigned. They did not want to be puppets of the CIA. The big question is: did they tell Orwell, who was by this time on his deathbed? Did he notice its absence? Why has nobody commented on the fact that many of the entries in the collected letters of Orwell, are credited with being originally published in "Encounter". To say that "Encounter" was secretly funded by the CIA is not quite true: it was such public knowledge that it could hardly be called a secret. "Nineteen Eighty-Four" was a tremendous kick up the backside for hard-line Communists that "Life" magazine, and hundred of other American magazines fell over themselves praising it. Orwell was smart enough to notice that most of the American reviews used nearly-identical words. The fact was that the reviewers were sent a synopsis, to save them the trouble of reading it, then then ordered to give it a positive spin. It's about time somebody wrote about the sceret funding of literature, and the manipulation of journalists.

Nato stooge

Post 2


Sorry to butt in on your conversation, but if
Researcher "200593"
would go back to there own page and then click on the "EDIT PAGE" button and then write a little something about your self then a ACE can come and welcome you there properly
Sorry for interrupting your conversation smiley - ok

Manda smiley - magic

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