A Conversation for The Assassination of John F Kennedy

This November

Post 1


Is, I believe, the 42nd anniversary of the shooting that killed John F Kennedy. With each passing year, it becomes a more and more mysterious moment in history.
smiley - rose Maybe by the 43rd, we'll be able to see things more clearly.

smiley - blacksheep

This November

Post 2


I am reading more and more of your stuff and liking it better all the time!

You have a very nice, unornamented style and a sense for just enough detail. smiley - ok

You did however miss one of the things that JFK and Abe shared in common. After JWB ran and hid in a barn (not really a warehouse, but was possibly being used for storage), the barn was set on fire to chase him out. At that point, Abe's assassin (like JFK's) was also killed before he could be brought to justice.

The shooter's name was Boston Corbett, if memory serves.

smiley - towel

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