A Conversation for Life on Europa
Life in other planets
Peaceful Earthling {Keeper of So Many Stories} Started conversation Jul 5, 2000
Hello! Found an interesting site the other day, the Vatican has a specialist who cites a 15th or 16th century guy who admits that god might have created life in other planets... I'll try to look it up for you...
But there was a very amusing incident in Brazil, in the eighties. A
UFO followed a plane for 40 minutes... bright light filling the cabin, everyone saw it... except for a Roman Catholic Bishop.
When interviewed, the bishop's secretary said that he didn't see it because he was asleep, and had a heart condition... which didn't allow for strong emotions... Made me realize the man had this theological problem - if there was life in other planets, Christ would have to be reborn in each to bring his message... But seems the Vatican has since found an answer to that...
Life in other planets
Peaceful Earthling {Keeper of So Many Stories} Posted Jul 6, 2000
Hello Sam,
I'm still looking for it... but I remember it was in a 'strange' site called "Paranormal News"... An article describing the meeting between an American Rabi called Leonard Sitchin [think that's right]and the Vatican specialist [who by the way is also in charge of exorcism, -- an interesting combination]... I will keep on looking. Sorry that's all for now.
Life in other planets
Peaceful Earthling {Keeper of So Many Stories} Posted Jul 7, 2000
Hi again,
Finally found one of the sites where I found the article...
This is the quote from the 15th century fellow:
'"Cardinal Nicolo Cusano (1401-1464) wrote that there is not a single star in the sky about which we can rule out the existence of life, even if different from ours."
Will be looking into the forum to see what the others have to say,
Life in other planets
Sam Posted Jul 7, 2000
This is fascinating, totally cool. Thanks It strikes me as simply a question maths, of the law of averages. Surely, mathematically speaking, there's no way there's *not* life somewhere else other than here...
Anyway, take it easy
Life in other planets
Peaceful Earthling {Keeper of So Many Stories} Posted Jul 8, 2000
Think so too. The nice thing about the quote is that the guy was
thinking that some centuries ago, and people still hesitate to
recognize the obvious... A whole universe with only one [slightly puny ] inhabited planet. Call that a superiority complex, or a Garbo complex [I want to be alone
Thanks for that link!!!
Be well, fellow earthling.
Life in other planets
tiffanys0 Posted Jul 20, 2010
Cardinal Nicolo Cusano wrote that there is not a single star in the sky about which we can rule out the existence of life, even if different from ours."[url=http://www.brandsjeansonline.com/]true religion jeans for men[/url]
Life in other planets
tiffanys0 Posted Jul 20, 2010
ies ago, and people still hesitate to
recognize the obvious... A whole universe with only one [slightly puny smiley ] inhabited planet. Call that a superiority complex, or a Garbo complex [I want to be alone smiley ] http://www.thomassaboschmuckmarkt.com/
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Life in other planets
- 1: Peaceful Earthling {Keeper of So Many Stories} (Jul 5, 2000)
- 2: Sam (Jul 5, 2000)
- 3: Peaceful Earthling {Keeper of So Many Stories} (Jul 6, 2000)
- 4: Sam (Jul 6, 2000)
- 5: Peaceful Earthling {Keeper of So Many Stories} (Jul 7, 2000)
- 6: Sam (Jul 7, 2000)
- 7: Peaceful Earthling {Keeper of So Many Stories} (Jul 8, 2000)
- 8: tiffanys0 (Jul 20, 2010)
- 9: tiffanys0 (Jul 20, 2010)
- 10: tiffanys0 (Jul 20, 2010)
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