A Conversation for 'Magical Mystery Tour' - the Film

I just knew

Post 1

Demon Drawer

You would be behind this BB.

Great article. Now back on the bus. smiley - winkeye

I just knew

Post 2


Roll up, Roll up for the mystery tour, step right this way.

Which one of the fab four was it that said the phrase right at the start of the song? Or was it someone else entirely.

Of course it was BB, was quite obvious wasn't it. Something to do with the Beatles smiley - smiley

Nice one Bluebottle.

I just knew

Post 3


Yes, it was me, I confess! smiley - smiley Although I'm not the only one to have written about the Beatles on the guide, although I suspect I've said the most smiley - winkeye
Have you seen my latest Beatles article at:
I think it's worth reading, but then, I am biased smiley - winkeye

I just knew

Post 4

Occasional Hieroglyphic, wanderer in search of the exoteric

So can anyone explain why my "complete" boxed set of Beatles albums does not contain Magical Mystery Tour?

I of course have a copy, but it was not included in the set. This is vinyl we're talking about here mind you, so maybe we are all too young to know.

I just knew

Post 5

Demon Drawer

BB I'll bow to your superior knowledge on this one. smiley - smiley

I just knew

Post 6

The Masque of the Red..., Emperor of Planet X

I just knew

Post 7

Linus...42, i guess that makes me the answer...

I also had a fair idea it would be you BB smiley - smiley

I'd always wondered why only 6 songs had the words to them on the cover. Thanks for enlightening me on that one..........

I am the Walrus has always been a bit of a favorite BTW

I just knew

Post 8


I would say it is because "Magical Mystery Tour" was not one of the original Britsih albums. In Britain, through EMI, the Beatles released 13 albums between 1962 and 1970, yet in America, EMI's sister company Capitol released 20. The albums were usually shorter, and often included the singles which were not released on album in the UK. This ended just after Magical Mystery Tour in 1967, when the Beatles' original 5 year contract with EMI ended, and under the terms of the new contract all releases both sides of the Atlantic had to be as the Beatles themselves intended.
But Magical Mystery Tour was released before the new contract, and in the UK it was not released as an Album, but as a Double-EP, the first Double EP ever. Capitol, in America, thought that this new format would not sell, and so added the extra songs to make an album. So originally, "Magical Mystery Tour" was not intended by the Beatles to be an album, the American market just made it one. I intend to write an article about all the differences between the original British albums and the American versions eventually, but it is quite complicated.
Tell me, do you have "A Collection Of Beatles Oldies" in your boxed set?

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