A Conversation for Gonorrhea or The Clap
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Agony Aunt (Patron Saint of Busy Bodies ) Posted Mar 29, 2000
i am quite pleased to see an article such as this being submitted. i admit i have only been here for a few days but i am attempting to find my way around. from what i have seen so far i think i am going to enjoy this site. one of the things i think i am going to enjoy about it is the ability to find information on things that i have questions about. as for this entry, i think it is quite good and useful due to the nature of it. a sexually transmitted disease is something that is hard for most people to talk about so having the information here for them to view in the privacy of their own homes is fantastic. hopefully others will see this and come away from it having learned something
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Ender Wiggin Posted Mar 31, 2000
Thank you. I wrote up a slurry of articles 3 months ago, and I just now got my first two articles accepted. I never really got any feedback on my articles, and became disenchanted with the site sadly. However, I am thinking of becoming more active in the H2G2 again, and writing some more articles.
Is there anything you would be interested in seeing an article on?
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Agony Aunt (Patron Saint of Busy Bodies ) Posted Mar 31, 2000
manic depression ...i know it sounds odd but there are quite a few people out there who suffer in silence, others do not understand what is going on....i think if it were explained to them it would help and what a better place to start than right here
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Agony Aunt (Patron Saint of Busy Bodies ) Posted Mar 31, 2000
that is great and do not be discouraged if it is not accepted either right away or at all. in the short time i have been here i have done quite a few searches on different subjects and have found a lot of useful information either in accepted or unaccepted articles. actually, the unaccepted ones seem to be the ones i found what i was curious about more often, maybe because it seems that there are more of them out there waiting to be accepted
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SnM Posted Apr 6, 2000
I think that from what you have said on the Gonorrhea forum that your articles were boring and didn't leave much to discuss. I feel that if they were a bit more cotroversial then you would get some more feed-back!
I would like to see an article on Gay rights
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Agony Aunt (Patron Saint of Busy Bodies ) Posted Apr 6, 2000
SnM, i must disagree with you...i find the article well written to the so that it is understood to the point that you don't have the need to ask questions about what the writer was talking about which is the point in writing the article in the first place. if the article was written and had lots of questions that were asked about it then something was wrong, the guide is looking for knowledge in all kinds of different areas and they want what they are given to be well explained and understood. for this reason i find the article to be quite good .
but you are welcome to your opinion, that is afterall what keeps life interesting
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Pastey Posted May 1, 2000
I did enjoy this article, it was a pleasure to sub. As AA says, topics like this aren't often talked about, and if you do get infomation on them it's usually written in either a very dull clinical manner the complete opposite patronising way. This however I liked.
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Ender Wiggin Posted May 1, 2000
Thank you much. However I haven't written much for the guide because of the three month wait to get editted. I have an article that has been submitted for almost five months now that still hasn't been editted.
I really like the concept of the guide, but I don't see why more SubEds aren't taken on to help with the workload.
-- T. J.
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Pastey Posted May 1, 2000
There have been, in the last couple of months the number of subs has gone up from around twenty to around seventy, I think. A heck of a jump. The queue is also falling dramatically.
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- 1: Crescent (Mar 28, 2000)
- 2: Agony Aunt (Patron Saint of Busy Bodies ) (Mar 29, 2000)
- 3: Ender Wiggin (Mar 31, 2000)
- 4: Agony Aunt (Patron Saint of Busy Bodies ) (Mar 31, 2000)
- 5: Ender Wiggin (Mar 31, 2000)
- 6: Agony Aunt (Patron Saint of Busy Bodies ) (Mar 31, 2000)
- 7: SnM (Apr 6, 2000)
- 8: Crescent (Apr 6, 2000)
- 9: Agony Aunt (Patron Saint of Busy Bodies ) (Apr 6, 2000)
- 10: Pastey (May 1, 2000)
- 11: Ender Wiggin (May 1, 2000)
- 12: Pastey (May 1, 2000)
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