A Conversation for We
And it's even more annoying
Wand'rin star Started conversation Mar 27, 2000
when you are a hospital patient and some pompous medic asks "How are we feeling today?" especially when the addressess seems to be a member of the nursing staff. It's definitely connected with the way some parents talk to small children and some teachers to students, although "What page have we got to?" is probably the inclusive we.
We (royal) thought this was a good article
And it's even more annoying
Wand'rin star Posted Mar 27, 2000
We also meant to type "addressee" not addresess, the meaning of which is nor presently known to us.
And it's even more annoying
Is mise Duncan Posted Apr 25, 2000
..and the totally odd "We're not very good at this, are we?"
And it's even more annoying
Charlie the Zebra Posted Jul 27, 2000
Add to that when someone recites a litany of the day's troubles, and the response comes back, "I see ... we've had a good day, haven't we?"
And this little newspaper editor cried "We! We! We!" all the way home.
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And it's even more annoying
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