A Conversation for Exam Revision without Crenellating Brain Cells


Post 1


I just want to take this moment to say I love the Guide! This is the coolest thing in the world! Great advice, too. I might try this stu-dy-ing thing everyone talks so much about smiley - biggrinsmiley - fishsmiley - hsif This'll come in handy, its a new semester and the time of year that everyone pretends they're going to do *so* much better than last year and I'm one of them smiley - coffee


Post 2


I would also like to say thanks.
And I'm glad you said 2 weeks before, rather than the 5 months my mum is expecting of me, for 45 mins. sorry, mini rant.

It's sound advice.smiley - rainbow
smiley - cheers

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