A Conversation for Universal Functions of Boolean Algebra

algebric !

Post 1


well i think algebric thinking is 100? foolproof but then not everyone is capable of evaluating every situation that logically

algebric !

Post 2



In programming (and probably math, philosophy and other fields too) it helps if the logic is simple rather than complicated, because that makes it easier for humans to follow and check.

The only reason most programming languages don't have NAND or NOR operators is that most human languages don't have such words either, and they are therefore somewhat counter-intuitive.

caffeine_high = no_caffeine NAND plenty_of_food
would be easier to understand if I had said
caffeine_high = caffeine AND not_enough_food

In fact, I suspect I may have got the NAND bit logically wrong (it is supposed to mean the same as the second part), but I will leave as an exercise since my own brain is starting to hurt now.smiley - teasmiley - smiley

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