H2G2SRPG - The Library

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Magic is the raw force of the cosmos, the raging, mysterious energy that binds reality together. Those with the faith to trust in this energy can manipulate it, and control it.

Just like for Chi and Psi, for each point of Soul stat you have, you have spell points equal to that. A low-level spell, like a streak of flame, would take up one spell point whereas a spell to call down a bolt of lighting might occupy two or three. So, a spell-caster with a soul of fifteen would be able to know fifteen level-one spells, five level three spells, or three level threes and six level ones. Very simple. The more powerful a spell, the higher spell point cost it will have.

In addition, you have a reserve spell book of twice that number of points. You can move spells from your current repetoir to the spell book and back, allowing you to customize your own abilities.

When you choose to become a spellcaster, you will need to choose one primary element and one standard element (from the five spell elements, life, water, death, fire, and nature.). Spells under your primary element are the ones that come naturally to you, and as such, are lowered by one level. The spells under your standard element are spells that are fairly easy to use, and their cost doesn't change. The other three elements are of foreign make to you, and as a result cost one more level to use.

In addition, some spells may have a vocal component that needs to be spoken with it, and some have a physical component that needs to be done as well. If one of these components cannot be completed, the spell fizzles.

As you walk through the great doors, you are greeted by rows and rows of bookshelves, each containing hundreds of books of magical spells. Here you can find some of the basic spells for your own use. Handily, the Library is split up into sections by spell element.

Life Spells


(2) Removes the effects of a spell from the caster.

Blessed Reversal

(4) Absorbs one spell and its energy strengthens the caster.

Blinding Light

(2) Creates a burst of brilliant light from the caster, blinding anyone who looks at him.


(4) Makes any NPC very amicable to the caster.


(2) Removes any disease or curse.

Deafening Voice

(2) Magnifies the target’s voice to epic proportions, enough to shake walls. Lasts for 10 posts.


Heals wounds, size depending on the level of spell.

(0): Heals a small wound, like a knife cut.

(2): Heals a medium wound, like a gunshot or a sword wound.

(4): Heals a severe wound, like a damaged vital organ.

Light Storm

(5) Beams of radiant light pour from the caster in all directions, dispelling illusions, darkness, and scorching any undead.

Mystrunner’s Divine Blessing

(5) Mystrunner, Patron Saint of Assassins, gives his blessing. The target gains the ability to see perfectly in the dark, and his movements make no sound. This lasts for 6 posts.


(3) Target NPC or Summoned creature loses the will to fight.

Remove Pain

(1) Removes pain from one source (a wound, a poison, a headache, a spell).


(1) Creates an opaque circular barrier that can shelter the caster from light projectiles and the elements.


(3) Weakens the undead and the effects of Death spells.

Water Spells


(3) Absorbs a single energy-based attack (Lightning, Chi, Death Energy, etc.).


(4) Creates a freezing blizzard with fierce winds that showers hailstones upon a target. Lasts for two posts.


(4) Flips any ship to its side.


(0) Target creature or object floats a few inches off the ground. Lasts for five posts.


(4) Any target gains the ability to fly. Lasts for 5 turns.


(4) Any streams, rivers, or ponds in the area begin to overflow their banks.

Ice Blades

(6) Summons meter-wide bladed discs of ice that skim at the enemy.

Ice Spear

(2) Launches a spear of hardended ice.


(6) Any target becomes invisible. Lasts for 5 turns.


(1) Conjures a thick mist that envelopes the area. Lasts for 6 posts.

Noxious Fumes

(1) Creates a cloud of nauseating and disorienting gas.

Poison Bolt

(2) Launches a poison-tipped bolt.


(8) The caster has a dim perception of the next few minutes.

Rhanol's Storm of Fish

(0) Creates a short shower of freshwater carp.


(4) Target creature or player moves much slower than usual. Lasts for two turns.


(3) Forces a target under the water. Lasts for 2 turns.

Summon Water Elemental

(5) Summons a water elemental, bound to the caster's will.


(7) Transports caster to any place he has already been.


(4) Unsummons target summoned creature.

Wall of Water

(4) Cojures an 8-foot high wall of breaking water, up to 50 meters in length. It is all but impossible to swim through, for it would take several minutes to get to the other side. Lasts for 6 posts.

Water Spout

(1) Conjures a powerful spout of water to erupt from below.


(3) Conjures a swirling vortex of water in any ocean, sea, lake, river, pond or stream.


(3) Conjures a tornado that the caster can control.

Death Spells

Animate Dead

(5) Animates the corpse of any organism nearby, and is controlled by the caster. If no corpse is nearby, a skeleton is summoned. Once it is destroyed, it cannot be reanimated again.


(3) Infects the target with a nasty disease, which can last from 10-12 posts. Nothing life-threatening.


(5) Whisks any NPC or summoned creature away to the nether realms.

Bone Armour

Conjures different pieces of armour made from human bones. They are as strong as most steel.

  • (1) Bone Helm.
  • (1) Bone Gauntlets.
  • (2) Bone Boots.
  • (2) Bone Leggings.
  • (3) Bone Breastplate.

Bone Spear

(2) Conjures a spear made from human bones. (7/8/10)


(3) Inflicts blindness on a target for 4 posts.

Cause Pain

(4) Ignites excruciating pain in a target.


(2) Constricts the airways of target creature, drawing air from their bodies.

Consume Spirit

(5) Consumes the spirit of targeted NPC or summoned creature, which then strengthens the caster.

Craxus' Blood Armour

(5) Summons blackened, blood-soaked steel plate armour. This armour, cooled from its forging in the blood of the innocent, can turn many blades and absorbs many low-level spells directed at its wearer (Levels 0-1). (12/14/17)


(2) A shroud of darkness settles over the area for 10 turns.

Death Bomb

(2) Calls down a two meter wide orb of explosive dark energy.

Drain Life

(5) Weakens the target slowly, strengthening the caster.

Graspin Skeletal Hands

(5) Summons skeletal hands from the ground, which grasp and grab whatever is whithin their reach. They are not too sturdy, but have vice-like grips.


(4) Paralysis locks the muscles of the target for two turns.

Fire Spells

Energy Shield

(2) Creates an orb that surrounds the user. This can absorb magical, psi, and chi attacks. It will absorb one attack before failing.


Summons a whirling ball of explosive flame. It's size depends on its level.

  • (1) 1 Meter across
  • (2) 3 Meters across
  • (3) 5 Meters across

Fire Breath

(1) The caster can breath a thin, hot plume of flame. This ability lasts for four posts.

Flame Spray

(2) Flames roar from the casters's hands in a wide arc.

Flame Wall

(5) Summons a wall of roaring flame 8 meters high and extending up to 50 meters. Lasts for six posts.

Flame Whip

(2) Summons a flame whip. (6/7/10)

HDS's Energy Net

(4) Launches a net of energy two meters across. This net destroys whatever it first wraps around.

Lightning Bolt

(2) Calls down a bolt of lightning.


(6) Calls down a rain of firery rocks from the heavens, decimating a wide area. Physical Component: Hands must be held in the air.

Summon Fire Elemental

(5) Summons a fire elemental, bound to the caster's will.


(0) Warms a target to a comfortable level.

Nature Spells


(3) The caster takes control of a NPC or summoned creature for five posts. When the spell ends, the animal becomes enraged.


Causes a plant to grow at a faster rate, depending on what level the spell is.

  • (1) Grows three years in under a minute.
  • (3) Grows ten years in under a minute.
  • (5) Grows twenty years in under a minute.


(1) Gives the target a limp for two posts.


(2) Vines grow rampant over target machinery or bit of technology, miring it and then destroying it.


(3) Gives the target massive strength and the ability to climb walls. This lasts for four turns.


(0) Removes weariness and fatigue from the target.


(3) The caster regenerates moderate wounds. Lasts four posts.

Spider Web

(2) Ensnares a target in strong spider webs.

Summon bear

(4) Summons a bear to fight under the owner's control.

Summon Golem

Summons a golem under the caster's control. Its type depends on the level of spell.

  • (1) Summon straw golem.
  • (2) Summon wood golem.
  • (3) Summon stone golem.
  • (4) Summon iron golem.
  • (5) Summon steel golem.
  • (6) Summon silver golem.

Summon Raven

(2) Summons a raven to fight under the owner's control.

Summon Wasp

(1) Summons a fist-sized wasp to fight under the owner's control.

Summon Wolf

(3) Summons a wolf to fight under the owner's control.


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