A Conversation for Kraft Dinner

Available in the UK

Post 21


We had Taco Bell near here a few years ago but it didn't take off and was replaced by a Wendy's.
In US movies people are always offered cream with their coffee. Is it really cream or are they being posh about milk?

"I take my coffee without cream"
"We haven't got any cream!"
"Have you got milk?"
"I'll take it without milk, then."

Available in the UK

Post 22


How curious. We had Wendy's, but they didn't take off and they've been replaced (in London at least) by a McDonalds (Kings Cross) and a empty shell of a building (Shaftesbury Avenue). And in Bradford by KFC. Nice.

I did enjoy Taco Bell last time I was out there. Couldn't get the hang of the talking dog though.

Available in the UK

Post 23


I can't believe I found a site discussing KD! As a lapsed Canadian living in the UK for the last 20 years, it's nice to know I'm no longer alone. Yes Kraft Dinner is available here as Cheesy Pasta -doesn't have the same ring does it - and it doesn't quite taste the same. It's time one of you real Canucks started doing some proper smuggling!


Post 24


And of course, it was quietly ridiculed in the South Park ep 'Not without my Anus', by Canadian superstars Terrance and Philip.

Available in the UK

Post 25


yeah, "salad creme" and a *good* curry!

Stop Press

Post 26


I just looked and the local Wendy's has been shut for months.
Burger King is still doing well as is McD's

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