My lack of curiosity

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To be honest, there are many things about which I have little curiousity.

Banjo tunings, for one thing.


Cheap house shoes, particularly the fluffy kind. I don't mind the one's that look like birds and animals and animated characters as long as they aren't worn outside the house.

Shorts on people who shouldn't leave the house in anything that reveals their knees.


Pickup trucks with after-market lamborghini doors.

dishes that include chicken

Rap lyrics that involve the N word more than twice a minute.

Rock songs that incorporate the word "babe".

Drunk people who want to become drunker and drive to where the drunkening fluids are sold.

People who apparently have never heard of the color spectrum in reference to makeup hues.

Tall womwn in too-tall strappy heels.

Red heads who have no idea what the colours red and green do to their complexion.

Hearing people who think that deafness might be a good thing.

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