A Conversation for PG Wodehouse - Humorist
PGW's Most Delightful Sentences
maheshsingh Started conversation Apr 18, 2007
I wonder if the readers of this part of the site have their favorite sentences used by PGW in his books. I had and have many but it would be great to put together a collection.
Here is one of my favorites: If I remember this correctly, Bertie Wooster, on being asked a threatening question, probably by Roderick Spode or Aunt Agatha, wanting to duck the questions, responds:
"I don't know, you know, don't you know?"!!!
The first time I read this, it took me a second to get it - but after that, I could not stop laughing OR admiring the genius of that sentence formation!
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PGW's Most Delightful Sentences
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