A Conversation for Weather


Post 1

All at sea

My grandfather always said,

"Whether there's rain,
Or whether it's hot,
There's going to be weather,
Whether or not."


Post 2


A Meteorologist couldn't have said it any clearer smiley - winkeye


Post 3

Cannott Spel

I do not know where we would be, us English if we could not talk about the weather. Does anyone who used to live within the Yorkshire Television region remember William Fogget at Thursk. We used to be treated to the Met office forecast, followed by William. He used to check whether the cows were standing in the fields, or laying down, looking at pinecones and how wet the seaweed was. That man was so accurate.

What ever happened to him, does anyone in Thurst know him?


Post 4


no but i live by fred the weatherman with his floating map on the Albert dock.


Post 5

AEndr, The Mad Hatter

and I am giving an hour long lecture of clouds tomorrow, and barely scratching hte surface

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