A Conversation for Dwarf Planets
Hydrostatic Equilibrium
shagbark Started conversation Sep 20, 2006
Hydrostatic Equilibrium : What this means is enough gravitation to cause the body to act like a fluid(Hydrostatic) and assume a nearly round shape (equilibrium). this is not explained in the article.
Hydrostatic Equilibrium
shagbark Posted Oct 5, 2006
I finally found the link it is
and it speculates that a mass of one-ten-thousanth of earth and a diameter of 800 KM shoulod be sufficient to create hydrostatic equilibrium.
Hydrostatic Equilibrium
Gnomon - time to move on Posted Oct 11, 2006
Thanks, Shagbark. I've added an explanation of hydrostatic equilibrium at the end of the entry.
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Hydrostatic Equilibrium
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