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Trousers are items of clothing used for covering the area between waist and ankle, with one trouser per leg. They are supplied in pairs and cannot be bought singularly. This also applies to pants, shorts, etc. In America, trousers are called pants and pants are called shorts.

Females can wear trousers, especially in the company of weak-willed males, but female trousers are called slacks, despite the fact that slacks are usually relatively tight. Tights are not related to slacks, but are a form of “trousered” stocking. Stockings and tights are also supplied in pairs and are generally worn by females.

Jeans are related to trousers in appearance, but are a paradoxical item of clothing. Originally manufactured from cheap cotton material, denim, they were sold as an affordable, hard-wearing form of work clothing. Jeans have become fashion items since their creation and, though still made from cheap cotton material, can cost more than a good pair of trousers.

Trousers and jeans have flies on them. This is not necessarily due to smells, stains etc., but is the term used for the convenient opening at the front. The fastening of this opening is achieved with buttons or zips and is mostly useful to male wearers. The zip is the most preferred method, but careless, hurried closure can result in a particularly painful accident.

Trousers and jeans, depending on the current fashion trend, can be folded up at the ankle. This is known as a turn-up and can be used for storing many small items - paper clips, pins, dandruff, etc.

Strict dress codes apply to some occupations and professions regarding leg wear. For example, builders and road maintenance workers must have a considerably lowered waistband.

Rock stars are often seen with leg wear that appears to have been applied with an aerosol can. This tight form of leg covering is particularly useful to the older rock star as an effective support for varicose veins.

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