Join the Q: What I Did on My Holiday

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What I Did on My Holiday

Ducks Only.

The other weekend, I ventured down south for a little holiday. One of the main reasons was for an h2g2 micro meet with Bluebottle, but as he had a lurgy, we were not able to meet after all (and indeed I didn't want a lurgy in exchange for the Beatles memorabilia I had brought with me). However, I had a good time even so, as the other main reasons for my holiday were to spend time with my partner's friends and family and do some wildlife photography.

We didn't have the best weather for photography, as it was overcast all weekend, but it was dry apart from half an hour of rain, so that wasn't too bad. The most important thing for me was to capture some images of different birds and/or some different images of birds I had previously seen.

I was particularly impressed by the Siskin, which I hadn't seen before – a tiny greeny-yellow and black striped bird. The Marsh Tit was also cute and I'm impressed myself by how well the photo turned out considering the bird didn't stay still for long. Blue Tits are more common and I see them often, but I was still pleased to capture a picture of one perched on a fencepost.

The birds I saw were sometimes funny too – at the wildlife reserve in Arundel where there were wildfowl from around the world, amongst other birds, there were areas reserved for ducks, but a cheeky pheasant couldn't read the sign and ventured in anyway! More exotic but just as amusing were the South African Shelducks swimming along in a line and bobbing their heads up and down like they were dancing a conga together. Great fun!

SIskin.Marsh tit.

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