All the News that Fits: 170613

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You want news? We've got news, h2g2ers!

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Speculation is rife among hootooers as to who the next Doctor Who is going to be.

The current incumbent is due to end his stint after the 2013 Christmas special. So, who will be the new Who then? You can read some of the suggestions and recommendations here.

The Doc Who?

There's also the Doctor Who Group which can be found here for all manner issues, topics and debate on any of the series#

The Doctor Who Forum


We're renowned on hootoo for asking the serious questions on life and other issues of high importance.

In sticking to this tradition here's an example of the sort of question that gets a wide variety of answers:-

Why is there always one teaspoon?

One can only follow this up with:-

Tea: How do you drink yours?

and after reading the thread you can then follow through with a read of this excellent article on Tea.

Tea in Britain: a Social History


In the unlikely event you can't find anything to read or do in the vast labyrinth that is hootoo and are at a loose end for an hour or three how about visiting the Games Room and pitting your wits against some of the ongoing and long running word games and suchlike.

The Games room can be found here:- The Games Room


Fancy being a Scout?

No, not the dib, dib, dib type but a Scout that works in PR in helping folk get entries ready for the Edited Guide and by selecting those that they think are ready and suitable for the Guide.

It’s rewarding, it’s helping to build the very foundation of hootoo's existence, The Edited Guide. There's been a recently appointed new Chief Scout who has hit the ground running.

For all the details and what’s involved take a look here:-

Scouts Homepage

and have a perusal through the various pages to get all the info needed.

This is the link where the newly appointed Chief Scout introduces himself. Any comments or feedback can be left there.

Being a Scout


If you're up for a challenge, why not have a go at this month's Create?
With two weeks to go the entries are coming in thick and fast, be sure to get in before the deadline.

Details here:- One Page Poetry


Finally, if you're reading this then you're obviously reading The Post which is good.

Remember, you can contribute anything to the Post from poetry to prose, from fiction to non-fiction, articles, pictures - the sky's the limit.

Don't be shy, the Post Editorial Team will be pleased to hear from you in whatever guise. You can comment on the individual articles or the post in general, have a read, make a comment and make a contribution.

If you get 5 articles/items published you'll even get a shiny Post Reporter’s badge for your PS so go on, be a devil, send something in.


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