The h2g2 Post 25.02.13

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A crest bearing the legend The H2G2 PostA crest bearing the legend The H2G2 Post

Posted: 25th February 2013

It's All in the Family

Hamster Flambe h2g2 is many things – your go-to Guide to Life, the Universe, and Everything. The first website you call up in the morning, and the last one you turn off at night. The home of 2legs and the badger smiley. Of course. It's also a family.

Okay, maybe the sort of family that has too many wicked uncles, but you can't have everything. And when a member of our family celebrates a milestone, we celebrate right along.

One of our wicked uncles treasured family members has a book coming out. And what a book. Spimcoot's graphic novel is about Eustace. Eustace was born in the h2g2 Post. Are we bursting with pride? Yep – we're like that. Pastey's got the whole story for you, history and what's to come. Read and show support.

More family Stuff: you remember that Create Challenge for February we've been going on about? People have responded. Read below to find genealogical gems from Solnushka, Florida Sailor, and Bluebottle. You will be surprised, no doubt, to learn that Bluebottle's pedigree comes from the Isle of Wight. You'll be even more surprised to learn about the Klingon connection to that fabled isle.

What else have we got for you? A cornucopia of delights, my friends. The regular folks are back with thrills, laughs, and insights. We have art, humour, and mental challenge. Galaxy Babe will explain to those of you who were hiding under the bed with Nigel last week, just exactly what that loud noise over the Urals was all about. You want to know? We've got you covered.

February's almost over, but we'll still be glad to accept submissions for the Create challenge, if you've finally got around to looking through the bureau drawers. And if the snow melts, and you get out and about, be sure to tell us about it. Send photos.

Whatever you do, enjoy your week.

Dmitri Gheorgheni

  • Create
  • Learning the ways of the sea.

  • Create
  • Is Bluebottle half Klingon?


  • A horse.



  • Children picking cotton in Texas in 1913.





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